Its all here...

...Teenager's Hangout, Philosophers's Bench-stone, Friends' Adda, Lover's Rendevous, Pensioner's Club, Walker's Fitness Center, Family Gettogether Spot. And sometimes... trains come here too.

Where is this place? For those who cannot recognize it immediately, the answer can be seen in the photographs. Hold the mouse over a picture to see more information.

This picture was taken around 4 at noon. Though it looks quite empty, it starts coming alive in the evenings.
Platform by day

These magnificient trees span all the way up to Manipal Northside hospital on the other side, only around 50% of them have been covered in this picture.
The coolest place to hang out.

One day I heard that there was a suicide on the right side of this valley, someone had hung himself, and of course somebody among the crowd that had built up also said this was not the first time. The bridge in the distance leads to Rajajinagar.
The track seen from the footbridge


This place is supposed to be notorious at night - and especially roaming around with a camera is not recommended. But then plenty of people come for a quiet night stroll inspite of its reputation, which I personally felt was outdated - as long as one ignores that small column in the newspaper called Crime Beat.
Platform at night

The night shots of the train show no windows or doors because the train was moving when I took it, using the footbridge as a tripod and a long exposure.
Train arrival.


This was around a 10 second exposure - it was around 11 PM and the sky was dark with the bare eye, but with this long exposure the color of the remaining light in the sky can be seen.
The train departing, seen from the footbridge at night as in the above picture.


The gentleman sitting on the bench seemed to be wondering what I was doing sitting on the track taking a picture from that perspective!
No, not my last photograph.

Theres an old movie KurigaLu saar KurigaLu followed by a more recent one KothigaLu saar KothigaLu ;-) and there was a joke there would be one called KatthegaLu saar KatthegaLu (if it isnt already there!)
MaragaLu saar maragaLu!

Using what ink? On what canvas?
3-D living breathing painting.

The complete picture

This is one place where I have nice memories with so many different people, from childhood to now.

These pictures were taken in 2003, and were my first attempts with the Olympus C-750.